Category: Work

The Great Summer Art Draw is back!



5 PRIZES to be WON

Every Draw Ticket comes with a €10 Voucher for my website

Buy a Ticket and your order number becomes your unique ticket number in the draw to take place live on Facebook
Your €10 voucher will be emailed directly to you after your Auction Ticket purchase – like cash it never goes out of date and can be used to purchase any works on my site including sale items and can also be used along side any other discount codes


1st Prize  – Autumn over Mount Leinster

2nd Prize – Poolbeg Lights

3rd Prize –   Sunrise Dreams 

4th Prize – The red moon and the blue blue sea

5th Prize – Poppy Christmas Decoration

Only 100 Tickets in this exclusive draw


Draw Takes Place on Sunday 31th July

Sunrises to sunsets- a journey of Life

I have been working on a series on new works focusing on Sunset and Sunrises…

These works are very personal to me, as I see the Sunset/Sunrise works as a symbol of the cycle of Life –  the beginning  and the end.

I come from a very close family and recently my beloved  brother Damien passed away after nearly a month in ICU after a major car crash, the whole experience of going to the hospital daily was a rollercoaster of hope and despair depending on the day and the news from the doctors and then the final moments of Life followed by the grief of loss and mourning the best human I know..

It is amazing how one’s life can be falling apart while the world continues, the sun rises and sets and the world turns, at first this seems wrong but then you realise this is one of the beauties of life nothing stops but continues to move and transform, ever renewing energy to energy..The works are filled with vibrant colour and lush paint, some more subtle, some brash and heavy with paint but all filled with emotion and love….

My Sun rises and Sun sets are like Alpha to Omega –  the beginning to the end… I see these works as a celebration of life, so I have been looking to the skies for my inspiration and to honour my brother and his memory…..

Damien Purcell 13/5/1961 – 6/01/2019 RIP

Sunset Skies
Sunset Skies

Night Falls over Tara Hill
Night Falls over Tara Hill

Snow Clouds

The Beast from the East

Loving the moody skies and snow flurries of this snow storm.. I went for a walk along the Cliffs wtih the dog and I had a great time watching the weather sweeping in from the sea and chasing across the fields heading inland.. not as much snow as I wanted but it is so cold!
When I got back from my freezing walk and after a large mug of hot coffee I had to paint this small oil on canvas painting 20 x 20 x 4 cm… feeling very inspired!

Snow Clouds
Snow Clouds

Buy it now!

Snow cloudsSOLD

Cloudy skies and Stormy seas
Cloudy skies and Stormy seas

