I am very lucky to live in a beautiful place surrounded by amazing views, my work as an artist is inspired by my surroundings
Some of my beautiful views…
I live in a small home shared with 3 dogs, my daughter and Husband, I have a small corner to try and work in and often its very hard to do anything, as my painting space is right at the front door and there is a lot of comings and goings…
An idea of the chaos!
I have dreamed and saved for a wood cabin to turn into a studio and managed to get the deposit and most of the cost of the cabin but the last year has completely thrown a major spanner into my dream and I am short by €5500, I know this is not a major issue compared to whats going on in the world and there are far more serious situations to be in but for me and my mental heath it’s a big thing, my creativity and expression of that has been crampted and crammed ever smaller, I so need a space to grow in and expand my work

I am looking to raise the balance of what I cant scrap togather myself, it would make a huge difference to my life and allow me to keep painting and to paint larger works…..
I will match evrey donation with a Gift voucher to the same value for any work on my site or come down for a studio visit and select a work directly….